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Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Quotes provided may include term life insurance and universal life policies offering features similar to traditional term insurance. Under our Terms of Use, submitting your quote request will not result in a determination of your eligibility for life insurance coverage. You may be contacted by Scott Financial Group a DBA of QuoteMarket Corporation to assist you with your application. Your privacy is important to us. Under our Terms of Use, we will not sell your information to a third party.

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Insurance Rate Information
The information used in all insurance rate quotes have been taken from the rate cards and rate manuals which life companies routinely publish and distribute to life agents and brokers. To the best of QuoteMarket ’s ability, we have done everything we can to ensure that the insurance rate information contained in any insurance rate quotes is up-to-date and accurate. However, accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

All quotes are for illustration purposes. Actual premiums and coverage will be based on age, gender, health history, certain underwriting criteria, state of residence, and tobacco usage. Not all policies or companies are available in all states. Federal copyright law prohibits commercial use by other agents, brokers and parties marketing insurance products or information.

In the event that there is a discrepancy between the information contained in the insurance rate quotes, and any insurance company-authorized illustration and/or policy, the policy shall govern.

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Currently, you must be eighteen (18) years of age of older to use this website, or provide any information through this website, for any purpose, including seeking insurance information or services. This web site is published for some, but not all residents of the United States of America., QuoteMarket Corporation is licensed to do business in all states including District of Columbia. QuoteMarket  is not licensed outside of the United States.

Product Restrictions
Product(s) are subject to underwriting requirements. Suicide, misstatement and misrepresentation limitations may apply. Availability of premium rates and policy forms may be changed by each insurer without prior notice. Products(s) are not available in all states, and availabiltity of product(s) varies by state.

Company Ratings
All companies quoted by QuoteMarket  are rated A-, A, A+ or A++ by the A. M. Best Company, an independent insurance industry analyst. For a detailed explanation, see A. M. Best Insurance Ratings Guide.

Licenses and Insurance Policy Availability
Not all policies or companies are available in all states. Agent(s) of QuoteMarket are licensed to sell policies in all states and the District of Columbia. Agent license numbers are listed as required by state law in California, Minnesota, Louisiana, Utah and Massachusetts: